Faculty of Ayurveda Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University,

For Common cold

– Laxmivilasa rasa, Gojihwadi kwatha, Chitrakharitaki avaleha etc.
For Mild fever, headache -Tribhuvankirti rasa, Godanti bhasma, Mahasudarshana Ghana vati, Godanti bhasma, Sanjeevani vati, Guduchi satva, Shankh bhasma, AYUSH-64 etc.
For Dry cough, Sore throat –Sitopaladi churna, Vyoshadi vati, Sameerpannaga rasa, Mallasindura etc.
For Shortness of breath – Vasa / Bharangyadi churna, Vasavleha /Drakshavaleha, Svaskuthar rasa, Kanakasava, Lavangadi vati, Yavakshara, Apamarga Kshara etc.
For Malaise/Bodyache- Godanti bhashma, Ashwagandharishta, Balarishta, Vatavidhvansaka rasa etc.
For Features of allergy-Sutashekhara rasa, Haridra khanda, Shirishadi Kwatha etc.
For Diarrhea – -Kutajadi vishesha yoga, Kutaja GhanVati etc.
Other Ojovardhaka /Rasayana (immunity boosting formulations): Rasa sindura, Swarna bhasma, Makardhwaja, Rasaraja rasa, Abhraka Bhasma etc.
Shodhana therapy*
It may be given for seven days, as per following SOP regimen including Snehapana and Virechana karma.

Target Group 2(c): COVID19 +Ve Subjects with Moderate symptoms
Key issues
Corona test positive.
Patients having moderate symptoms.
Anxiety & stress factor is more pronounced
Key Symptoms
Varying from person to person including Moderate/high fever, Productive cough, Moderate to severe dyspnoea
Aim of Ayurvedic Medicine and Therapy Same as 1 (A) with symptomatic treatment Shamana treatment
For Moderate/high fever: Punravartaka kwatha, Putpakwa vishamajwarantaka lauha, SwarnaVasantamalti rasa, Mrityunjaya rasa, Guduchi satva, Amritarishta, Bilwadi gutika,

Mallachandrodaya, Laghuamalinibasanta rasa, Chaushatha prahari pippali, Parijata patra kwatha, Amritabhallataka, Punarnava mandura, AYUSH-64 etc.
For Productive cough -Vyaghriharitaki, Kantakaryavaleha, Talishadi churna, Trikatu churna, Yashtimadhu ghana vati, Abhraka bhasma, Tankana bhasma/ Suddha Navasadara, Mallachandrodaya, Sringyadi churna etc.
For Moderate to severe dyspnoea Swasakasachintamani rasa, Agastyaharitaki rasayana, Vyaghriharitaki rasayana, Chandramrita rasa / Shringarabhra rasa, Dashmoolkwatha+Pippalichurna(prakshepa) , Mallachandrodaya, Mallasindura, Swarna bhasma, Palashamuladi kwatha, Pushkarmula kwatha etc..
Shodhana therapy*
It should be given with Sadyah snehana and Virechana karma.
Other Ojovardhaka /Rasayana (immunity boosting formulations): Rasasindura, Swarna bhasma, Makaradhwaja, Abhraka Bhasma etc.
Target Group 2(D): COVID19 +ve patients with comorbidity/ Patients above 60 years of age
Key issues
Corona test positive.
Patients having moderate symptoms.
Anxiety & stress factor is more pronounced
Presence of co morbidities viz. Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, CAD, Hepato-renal compromised status etc.
During prescribing all preparations any untoward effects over co morbidities should be considered.
Key Symptoms
Varies from person to person including Moderate/high fever, Productive cough, Moderate to severe dyspnoea and specific symptoms of co morbid condition.
Aim of Ayurvedic Medicine and Therapy
Same as 1 (A) with symptomatic treatment
Treatment as per the protocol Target Group 2(C)
Specific Treatment of co morbid conditions and consultation with the respective specialist

Close monitoring of the clinical conditions and referral to the higher COVID -19 centers, if required.
Target Group 2(E):Pregnant women and Children
Annexed as annexure II and III
Target Group 3: Post treatment restorative healthcare
Key issues
Corona test negative.
Susceptible to recurrence.
Key Symptoms
No symptoms
Psychological impact is present. Aim of Ayurvedic Medicine and Therapy Same as 1 (A) with symptomatic treatment
Dooshivishari gutika, Guduchi ghan vati or Sanshamani vati, Chyavanaprasha etc.
Samshodhan chikitsa (virechana preferably )as per expert advice.
Symptomatic treatment if required
Other Ojovardhaka /Rasayana (immunity boosting formulations): Rasasindura, Swarna bhasma, Makardwaja etc.

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