Faculty of Ayurveda Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University,
Other measures
Dhoopan Karma/ Homa (Fumigation): Haridra, Ativisha, Haritaki, Badi-ela, Ela, Tagara, Kushtha, Priyangu, Loban, Laksha, Rakshoghna dhupana, or with Guggulu, Raal, Karpura, Jatamansi, Yavani etc as per the availability of the drugs.
Use of disinfectants prepared out of Vishagna dravyas like Haridra, Nimba, Madayantika, Shirisha, Punarnava etc.
Use of sanitizers prepared out of Vishagna dravyas like Haridra, Nimba, Madayantika, Koshataki, Shirisha, Punarnava, Ghritakumari, etc or with available drugs.
Kavala/Gandusha with kwatha of Haridra, Vidanga, Patha, Manjishta, Ela, Brihati, Indravaruni, Tagara, Kushta, Triphala, Vasa, Kantakari, Shirisha etc as per availability of drugs. Yavakshara and lavana mixed with Ghee / taila or with simple saline gargle may be used.
Nasya/ Pratimarsha Nasya with Anutaila, Narikela taila, Sarshapa taila, Goghrita, Shadabindu taila, etc.
Target Group 1(B): For Quarantine Centre
Key issues
Patients having mild symptoms with history of Contact.
Result of corona test still awaited.
Key Symptoms
Anxiety & stress of being quarantined from normal life.
May have mild symptoms of Flu.
Aim of Ayurvedic Medicine and Therapy –
Same as 1 (A) with more emphasis on psychological counselling
Target Group 1(C): Health workers, Sanitation workers, Police cops, Media person
Key issues
Persons are most vulnerable to get infected.
Key Symptoms
Health workers are directly or indirectly in contact with corona positive patients.
Aim of Ayurvedic Medicine and Therapy
Same as 1 (A) with extensive preventive measures.
Single drug: Guduchi, Pippali, Tulsi, Haridra, Manjistha, Amalaki, Ashwagandha, Yashtimadhu etc.
Formulations: Guduchi ghan vati / Sanshamani vati, Bramha rasayana, Amalaki rasayana Shirishadi kwatha, Bilwadi gutika, Vyaghriharitaki, Vasaavleha etc.
Target Group 2(A): Asymptomatic COVID-19 +ve cases
Key issues
Corona test positive.
Key Symptoms
Patients with no symptoms.
Same as 1 (A) with more emphasis on psychological counseling
Single drug: Guduchi, Tulsi, Haridra, Manjistha, Ashwagandha, Yashtimadhu, Nimba, Bhumyamalaki, Mustaka, Kalamegha, Chirayata etc.
Formulations: Guduchighan vati or Sanshamani vati, Bramha rasayana, Shirishadi kwatha, Guduchyadi kwatha, Ashtadashang kwatha etc.
Target Group 2(B):COVID-19 +Ve Subjects with Mild symptoms
Key issues
Corona test positive.
Patients having mild symptoms.
May have features of Anxiety & stress
Key Symptoms
Varying from person to person including Common cold, Mild fever, headache, Dry cough, sore throat, Shortness of breath, Malaise /Body ache, Features of allergy
Aim of Ayurvedic Medicine and Therapy Same as 1 (A) with symptomatic treatment Shamana treatment