Faculty of Ayurveda Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University,
Prakopa Prasara
With poor host immunity, mulltiplication of virus starts
Predominance of Kapha vata dosha
Clinical presentation of sneezing, rhinorrhoea and mild coughing.
Spread of virus to especially Pranvaha srotas i.e. Respiratory tract and cardio vascular system to
other srotasas
Manifestation of symptoms according to involvement of respective srotas.
Localisation of virulent factors to the respective tissue components in the Pranvaha srotas initially
Sthanasanshrawith genesis of inflammatory and pyrogenic factors and later spreads to Rasavaha srotas,Annavaha
ansraya srotasa, Mutravaha srotasa and other srotasa.
Manifestation of all clinical symptoms of the disease.
Development of severe complications like pneumonia , occlusion of air entry, decrease in oxygen
carrying capacity and ultimately acidosis and multi organ failure (MOF)
Stage I-First three stages of Shatkriyakala, viz. Sanchaya, Prakopa & Prasara, mentioned above, represents the incubation period of virus i.e. generally 2 -14 days, depending on the immune status of the host with predominance of Kapha & Vata dosha including pitta.
Stage II-It is the Sthana samshraya stage of Shatkriyakala, in this stage there is an amalgamation of dosha dushya in the pranavaha srotas leading to development of prodromal symptoms.
Stage III- This is the vyaktavastha stage of Shatkriyakala, and here stable clinical features associated with Tridosha are visualised. Depending on the immune status there will be an appearance of the complete symptoms or partial symptomatology.
Stage IV-Bhedavastha stage of Shatkriyakala, at this stage, dhatupaka and specific complications are visualized along with above constitutional symptoms based on Tridoshaja dominance as in case of
Kapha predominant Sannipata: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome/Respiratory failure.
Vata predominant Sannipata: Cardiac arrest, Cardiomyopathy, Myocardial infarction.
Pitta predominant Sannipata: Alteration of Hepatic &Renal functions& finally leads to Hepato-renal syndrome and vascular coagulopathy.
Sannipata: Multi organ failure (MOF) and finally death.
Samprapti ghataka (Component of Pathogenesis)
Nidana- Aupsargika/Sankramaka/ Aagantuja nidan/Krimi
Dosha- Kapha-Vata – Pitta.
Dushya- Primary – Rasa, Rakta & secondary involvement of other dhatus, malas and ultimately Ojas.
Srotas –Pranavaha, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Annavaha, Purishavaha.
Srotodusti Lakshana- Atipravritti, Sangha and Vimargagamana
Udhbhavasthana-Nasa, Kantha,Uras.
Vyaktasthana –Nasa, Kantha,Uras, Sarvasharira.
Agni-Jatharagnimandya+ dhavagnivaishamya
Swabhava-Daruna and Aashukari
Prabhava-Sadhya, Kricchrasadhya or Asadhya depending upon Aturabala and Vyadhi bala.
Symptomatology of Covid-19 infection: