Satyagraha in Kerala  against the Political Parties promoting Communalism

This satyagraha in Kerala is against the shameful crave of the political parties promoting communalism with an eye on  vote banks.This has grown uncontrollably  in recent times. It has already  created irreparable  damage to the multicultural fabric of our country.

‘Cultural Kerala  will not remain  silent when party politics spreads communalism’  that is the message of  fasting  undertaken by Dr. Babu Joseph from 21st to 30th June 2022  on behalf of Gandhian Collective, Kerala and associating social organisations at Gandhi Square, Gandhi Bhavan, Kacherippadi, Kochi, Kerala. 

Satyagrah against Communalism

“The communal based political parties at  the National and State level , even the so called secular,  democratic and socialist parties are crossing their limits, paving way to long term damages to democracy. This unlawful act will weaken democracy, leading to growth of communal division and riots in the future.People have to be awakened  to raise their voice against these unethical political moves and get into actions to stop them. With this goal  Gandhian Collective has organized a 10 days hunger strike “said Sunny Paikada, Chairman  of Gandhian Collective , Kerala.  

The  Public statement issued by the Collective states that  ” All religious philosophies put forward the vision of leading mankind to brotherhood and peace. But it is only natural that each religion should have a different style of presentation and ritual, depending on the time and place in which it was practiced. But instead of acknowledging these differences with mutual respect, there have been attempts  to portray them as contradictory and to provoke hostility. Democracy is a great vision that rejects this negative trend. But this negative tendency has returned as a shortcut that can be used to gain power in a democratic system of government. Most political parties, including those who call themselves secular parties, use religious beliefs as a form of power.”

Individual satyagrah against Communalism

Prominent writer Prof.  M. K.Sanu inaugurated the Satyagraha on 21st June 2022.  Justice P K Shamsudheen President Gandhi Peace Foundation Centre presided over the inaugural function.
Every day one person  from various districts of the State joins  the Satyagrahi  and a number of people/organisations are  taking  part in the satyagraha campaign . 
Also satyagraha campaigns in various places of Kerala are also as a symbol of solidarity to individual satyagraha. Prominent Anti-nuclear activist Dr.  SP Udayakumar will participate in the concluding meeting on June 30. The only way to combat this erroneous trend is to create a strong public opinion against the political activities that create communal divisions, said Advocate Shaijan Joseph Convener of the Gandhian Collective.

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