Kerala : Protest against attacks and desecration of Gandhi statues in Champran

M. Noushad MLA inaugurated the gathering. Gandhi Peace Foundation representative GR Krishnakumar presided over the function. Representatives of various Gandhian organizations Sumanjith Misha, Yohanan Antony, Mechezhuthu Girish Kumar, Manjukuttan, AJ Dcruz, Prof. And Patricia John addressed the public meeting. On 21 February dharnas will be organized throughout the State.

The Gandhian Collective Kollam District Committee, in collaboration with various Gandhian organizations, organized the first dharna at the District headquarters on 19 February 2022 against the activities that vandalize Gandhian images and heritage and denigrate Gandhian values.

M. Noushad MLA inaugurated the gathering. Gandhi Peace Foundation representative GR Krishnakumar presided over the function. Representatives of various Gandhian organizations Sumanjith Misha, Yohanan Antony, Mechezhuthu Girish Kumar, Manjukuttan, AJ Dcruz, Prof. And Patricia John addressed the public meeting. On 21 February dharnas will be organized throughout the State.

Earlier an online meeting of prominent Gandhian workers and activists in Kerala held on February 17,2022  expressed concern over the influence of fascist forces working to eradicate Gandhian values from all walks of life in India, even in the realm of governance.

The meeting was convened by the Gandhian Collective and the Rashtriya Kisan Maha Sangh in the wake of the recent spate of attacks and desecration of Gandhi statues at three locations in the Champaran, Bihar. Fascist forces and corporate interests are working hand in hand in our country.

The fascist-corporate alliance does not like Gandhian values such as fostering communal harmony, the revival of the rural economy and betterment of the lives of people such as peasants and workers, protection of  the environment, and economic and political transformation based on non-violence and truth.

That is the reason why they are trying to weaken the institutions of  Gandhian heritage  in a crooked way, dishonour Gandhian symbols and glorify the Gandhi assassins. This was the general assessment of the meeting. It was decided at the meeting that such trends, which are widespread across the country, can no longer be ignored and widespread protests should be organized in this regard.

These people are shuddered by the fact that the Delhi Agrarian Struggle was an indication that Gandhi was emerging as a source of energy for the emerging struggles on the fundamental issues affecting the common people of the country.

The meeting concluded that the destruction of Gandhi statues and the praise of Godse could not erase Gandhian icons from history or the hearts of the people.

It was decided to start dharnas from 19 February 2022 onwards in Kerala to protest against the ongoing attacks against Gandhian monuments in various parts of the country.

The meeting authorized KV Biju, Dr.  Siby K Joseph and Sunny Paikada to held discussions for strengthening the larger Gandhian fraternity at the national level on this issue. KG Jagadeesan, Adv. John Joseph, Dr. Hari Lakshmindrakumar, Madhu Shanmugham, Adv. Binoy Thomas and C. Sunilkumar Adv.Georgekutty Kadaplackal and Adv. Shaijan Joseph participated in the discussions.

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