Give Ayurved a Chance and Legal Backing to Fight Covid 19
Paracetamol is the basic line for fever control but it could cause Pneumonia

News by Rajath Sharma that broadcasted on India TV on 5th June has motivated me to write this article. Rajath Sharma’s finding are to be considered with great attention, according to him a countable no of children are orphaned by COVID19 but here the drama is it won’t be calculated as COVID19 death because these children are orphaned by post covid syndrome, which means it will be calculated as acute pneumonia or heart attack or some other issues. The post covid effect is a result of COVID19 only so the post COVID death due to heart attack, pneumonia, stroke, etc. should be considered as the COVID19 only.
Improper modern treatment
Modern medicine is following symptomatic treatment i.e. for fever they are giving paracetamol, for increase mucus they are giving montelukast etc. but such treatment are leading to complication. Our classical texts have clearly mentioned that when we do in solitude treatment for reducing kapha it will vitiate vata within the body and the vitiated vata will have impact on hrudaya which will be the cause for the death.That means post COVID cardiac arrest is due to the improper modern treatment.
Around 25% of Indian population lives below poverty line and around 50% are farmers. Due to this corona and lockdown all sections of the people are in severe financial crisis and poverty.Once a patient is admitted in the hospital due to COVID the modern system treat them for COVID and help them to manage their oxygen level. But once they tested negative even if they are suffered from pneumonia or heart attack due to corona it would not be considered as part of COVID. The death certificate won’t say about patient history of COVID instead they focus upon the immediate cause of death.
As we all know, mankind is fighting against a virus that wiped out around 3.5 million people all over the world. It includes father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, doctor, nurse, police, all sections and class of people. As a responsible nation, India has come up with a policy that adopts the children who lost their parents in the pandemic. This policy includes a corpus of Rs. 10 lakh INR to each of these children from the PM CARES fund. This corpus will be used to give a monthly stipend from 18 years of their age, for the next five years and on reaching the age of 23 years, he or she will get the corpus amount as one lump-sum for personal and professional use & the education expenses of younger children will be supported by way of admission to Kendriya Vidyalayas and private schools up to higher secondary level. These children will also be supported during their higher education through either a scholarship equivalent to the tuition fees or educational loans where the interest on the loan will be paid by the PM-CARES fund. This is highly appreciable and the need of the hour. A well-educated and nurtured child will be an asset to the nation.
But sadly a countable number of children who lost their parents due to “post-COVID syndrome” like critical pneumonia, Cardiac arrest are afraid to be out of the policy due to bureaucratic apathy. As the post-COVID syndrome is a result of COVID 19 disease, the deaths due to the same should be considered as a COVID death and all the support from the govt. should be extended to those children who lost their parents by the same.
It is therefore suggested that kindly make anayurvedic committee in every district all over India and allow us to identify those who needed the certificate, we are ready to work for the needy.
As per the article ‘’LET FEVER DO ITS JOB’’ it is clearly mentioned that the fever itself is a medicine, it will build up the self-protective capacity. Fever means an increase in the body temperature above 98.6oF (37oC) it is a sign that the body is fighting against some infection somewhere within the body, infection may be due to bacteria, virus or fungi or some endogenous cause are the most common causes of fever.
Jwara (fever) is a disease affects the body, mind and our senses simultaneously. It diminishes the intelligence, strength, complexion and enthusiasm of the sufferer and produces exhaustion, exertion, aversion to food, and in the 3rd chapter of Charaka Chikitsa sthana NAVA JWARA it has been clearly mentioned that in first stages of jwara, Langhana or fasting is prescribed. Effect of Langhana (fasting)alleviates the aggravated Doshas and stimulatesthe Agni (power of digestion). As a result of this, Jwara subsides, the body becomes light and there is increase in appetite. The langhana is prescribed to the extent that it does not go against the physical strength. The aim of all therapeutic measures is to maintain the strength of the body by which the patient becomes free from diseases.
As per Modern science paracetamol is the basic line for fever control but it could cause pneumonia as its side effect. If the body is giving a hyper-immune response, steroids are necessary but it increases the blood sugar level and suppresses the Immunity. If saturation of Oxygen decreases, using the Ventilator is the protocol but the evidence is that 95% of patients shifted on the ventilator either die or live with permanent damage to the lung tissues. Therefore either there is death or irreparable side effects could have resulted. This scenario made the common man prioritise Ayurveda over Allopathy.
As per Modern science paracetamol is the basic line for fever control but it could cause pneumonia as its side effect. If the body is giving a hyper-immune response, steroids are necessary but it increases the blood sugar level and suppresses the Immunity. If saturation of Oxygen decreases, using the Ventilator is the protocol but the evidence is that 95% of patients shifted on the ventilator either die or live with permanent damage to the lung tissues. Therefore either there is death or irreparable side effects could have resulted. This scenario made the common man prioritise Ayurveda over Allopathy.
As per newspaper reports (Annexed with the document FYI), a certain no of medicine (HCQ,FAVIPIRAVIR, IVERMECTIN) has been removed from the COVID treatment protocol due to the health issues it may cause after the treatment. The health issues prevailed due to these medicines are also to be considered as a part of this disease.
As Ayurveda is one of the most ancient and still surviving science it could contribute a part in this scenario to get through the pandemic situation. In ayurveda all these bacteria and virus are consider as sookshmaja krimi. Coming to the pandemic condition in our classical references it has been mentioned as janapadodhwamsa where the problems occurred in the community. According to ayurveda we need to understand the body type i.e. Prakruti, imbalances of dosha,dathu which we can understand through the signs and symptoms. The Government itself now a days saying like that do the treatment according to the signs and symptoms in covid 19 keeping this in mind we can directly go through the sign and symptoms and we can cure the conditions as early as possible with Roga bala and rogi balafactors in this condition
The virus being new, Modern Science found difficulty in understanding the pathophysiology of the virus and ambiguity in the treatment protocol become common. As ayurvediclearners, we found some important facts in our basic texts which could be an added advantage amidst this crisis, the fundamental base of Ayurveda is Tridoshas and our classical texts explained various permutation and combination of these dosha and their symptoms and our texts deeply explained about Agni (digestive power) and dathu approaching COVID keeping these ideas in mind could help us to find an explanation for the symptoms of COVID. There are more than a lakh people who are admitted with severe symptoms and are on the ventilator who could be revived with our medicine. Our medicine shows promising results in maintaining oxygen level in blood without the help of a ventilator. So please give us a chance to prove ourselves and be a part of the front line defenders.
As the situation is precarious and people are gasping on the roads for oxygen, this is the time to break the taboo on our traditional medicine and give us a chance to fight against COVID 19.
I expect this would be considered with the highest priority and the Ayurveda would be given legal backing to continue with their battle against this deadly evil, COVID 19.
Dr.VED PRAKASH TYAGI, Former President, Central Council of Indian Medicine, Govt. of India New Delhi213 Umaid Heritage Colony, Lt. Sagat Singh Marg Ratanada, Jodhpur 342001