We Can Eradicate Corona the Polio Way – President, IMA

Naushad Khan
Mohammed Naushad Khan

PROF DR.J.A.JAYALAL is the National President of Indian Medical Association. He is the Vice President Commonwealth Medical Association, London, UK, He Professor of Surgery – TVMCH. He has MBA from Canada and a PhD from Pondicherry University. He chairs the UNESCO Bioethics in India. In an interview with MOHD NAUHAD KHAN, he said, it is not our aim to only control Corona, but we are trying to overcome the infection of Corona and it is going to be possible only through vaccination.

What’s your take on the vaccination drive?

I am extremely happy to see that the Covid vaccination drive is being meticulously planned and executed in our country. In the first phase, the healthcare workers and front-line line workers were vaccinated. Now the government has started for the front line workers like paramilitary police personnel and other people to get vaccinated. Now it has been open for the public from the month of March. This is a good initiative and the need of the day. As an Indian we are proud that Indian scientists and modern medical doctors have strived hard and have found out this wonderful vaccine and were made in the shortest time. By all means and studies, it has been proved to be efficacies, safe and it has produced the desired effect.

What was your experience after getting vaccination and what would you like to say about its immunity? 

I as a national president of the Indian Medical Association have taken the vaccine on the first day of its launch on 16th January and I have also taken the second dose. I am very confident that it has given me the immunity to get over the crisis of Corona. Not only when the people are taking the vaccines it is not only giving the individual immunity it will also give the herd immunity to the society. For the country having herd immunity even village society I having the herd immunity that will ensure that we will be able to get over the country. We are recommending it to people above the age of18. At present, it is only for people above 45 years of age.

What would you like to say to people who are still afraid of it side effect?  

Kindly note the vaccination has no side effects. However, when you take the vaccine you may feel sometimes fever, pain or body ache. All these are showing that the vaccine I working in our body. These are the desired effects we are expecting whenever we are using this vaccine. At every place where one is given a vaccine, it is mandatory that one will be observed for 30 minutes by the monitoring teams arranged for the purpose. They will look and observe. They will ensure that no adverse action takes place. Please be rest assured that this vaccine is good for Corona which is having mutations. The UK is trying which is more infectious and the vaccine is also going to protect us all.

Is it possible to eradicate the Corona through vaccine? 

We may see that when Corona is coming down and why should we be vaccinated it I not so. We have been able to eradicate Polio, Small Pox and we have eradicated various diseases in our country only because of immunization. Only when 60 to 70 percent population takes vaccine it is going to be the same. It is not our aim to control but we are trying to overcome the infection of Corona and it is going to be possible through vaccination.

What next after taking vaccine?

Of late in the various parts of the world except for India and Argentina all the countries had the second wave of Corona. The second and the third wave is going to be more disastrous than the first wave. We are fortunate that we have not seen the second wave. But of late in some four to five states there has been a rise in the case. I am happy that the government of India has extended the vaccination centers. Some 20 thousand new private centers have opened for the vaccination. Even after vaccination e would advise to maintain social distancing norms, wear the mask, and take all precautionary measures as advised by the government                                                                                       

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