Corona-19 second wave : its Impact and fixing responsibility

Fixing Responsibilities

Dr R D Mishra

The COVID-19 pandemic has been around us for more than a one and a half year now. Individuals infected with the novel corona virus second phase disease have shown a wide range of symptoms, from mild and moderate, to severe or critical.

India is currently going through the worst phase of second wave of COVID-19 in which so far affected more that 2,2 Crore people and the death toll is more that 2.5 lakh  as on date and is increasing at the rate of 8-10 % daily. On 8th May 2021 alone new cases detected were more that 4.12 lakh .

This second wave virus is said to be more infectious than it was previous version showing, symptoms of fever , shortness of breath, cough, headache, body aches, sore throat, a loss of sense of taste or smell, nasal congestion, fatigue, and muscle soreness and most dangerous drastic fall of blood oxygen level, leading to the  crisis of availability of Oxygen in almost every hospitals pan India. 

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We are thankful to  more than 40 countries in the World like USA, Britain, Germany, Italy, European Nations, UAE, Israel South Arab, etc  who came forward with all support of Medical equipment like Oxygen Plants, Oxygen Concentrator, PPE Kits, Masks and Medicines etc at this time of crisis 

 New symptoms of the Covid-19 second wave infection
1. Shortness of breath:  difficulty in breathing, is one of the early symptoms of corona virus, predominantly seen in infected patients during second wave

2. Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea or loose watery stools is one of the widespread symptoms seen in COVID-19 patients during the second wave. Reports suggest most individuals affected with COVID-19 complained of persistent diarrhoea with an average duration of 5 days

3. Tightness in the chest: chest pain, pale or blue-coloured skin, a sudden loss of speech or movement, or new confusion, seeks medical care immediately.

4. Fever and Headache: Sudden fever and headaches can be a symptom of COVID-19. A normal headache that continues for a long time and does not subside with painkillers is being reported as one of the newer symptoms seen during the second COVID-19 wave.

5 Sudden fall of Oxygen Level: This is most dangerous and 5 % victims are pray to it, if not managed then the patient is bound to die. In some of the cases, it is reported even Heart attack, which becomes unmanageable and at times leading to death of the patient

6. Dryness of mouth: Saliva is the watery, frothy substance produced in your mouth that helps in digestion and keeps your teeth and mouth moist and healthy. When sufficient saliva is not produced by the concerned glands it leads to a condition called dry mouth, which can lead to tooth and gum diseases and make you susceptible to infections. 

Similarly there may be more symptoms and side effect in patient due to Corona second wave out of which some may be unreported. In fact there is a fear of survival /getting affected of Corona amongst every citizen. This is an un precedential situation, which we never faced.

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Govt Initiatives to control the spread of Corona second wave;

Although on Jan  2021 the result of SERO Survey revealed/ indicated the spread of Corona, in near future, but both Central and State Governments did not take it seriously, nor could they read between the lines. The government’s own National-level serological survey conducted in December 2020 ,to get an idea about the percentage of the population with antibodies against Covid-19 indicated that only a fifth of the sample had been infected in the past, leaving the majority susceptible to the corona virus.

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That meant a second wave was a possibility.  But the Central Govt did not pay serious attention and the society became victim to it. In fact Govt was busy in managing assembly election in West Bengal, Conducting famous “Kumbh Snan” at Haridwar, Panchyat Election in the state of UP etc which could have been deferred easily, if not to stop, but decrease the impact of spread of Corona second wave.

Now Govt is concerned seriously to stop the spread of this killer Virus and taking appropriate steps like, accelerating the vaccination programme for all adult, increasing the bed capacity of hospitals, initiating new corona hospitals, managing the supplies of medicines, increasing the Oxygen manufacturing, supplies of Oxygen at every hospital , Partial Lock down, educating everyone to follow  corona protocol like physical or social distancing, quarantining, ventilation of indoor spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, hand washing, and keeping unwashed hands away from the face.

The use of face masks or coverings has been recommended in public settings to minimise/contain the risk of transmissions of Corona Second wave. Some states have started heavy penalty for violating the same, Like, Delhi, UP, Karnataka etc 

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Fixing Responsibility for Worldwide Human and Economic Losses;

For such a mass scale pandemic catastrophe worldwide in which as on date
32,85,458 people have lost their precious lives and more than 15.6 Crore are still suffering, and in India 2,48270 people died and 2.3 Crore people are still sufferings , the responsibility to be fixed is the demand of the day. There are two types are responsibility to be fixed.

  1.  At Country level  lack of preparedness to fight with the menace of Covid-19, both first and Second phase, which sudden erupted from the Virology labs at Wuhan, China during Aug-Sep 2019, nor the countries could imagine the magnitude of Covid virus to be so dangerous which could mutate itself and take lives of millions. Even the most powerful country USA after the spread of Corona Virus first phase, lost more than 22.6 lakh precious lives.
  2.  The China (PRC) should be squarely being held responsible for the Worldwide Genocide and unprecedented Economic loss.  There are 

many reasons to belief ;

  1.  After the spread of Corona Virus in Wuhan during Aug-Sept 2019, why China did not inform the World that deadly Virus got leaked from the lab no 4 of the Institute of Virology, Wuhan. That time China brought out a theory that it has erupted from bat, from the nearby Vet market. On inquiry it was found that bats were never sold at that Vet market. In fact the virus got leaked while doing research/genetic engineering on bat with the objectives to create a biological weapon at Wuhan lab to control and damage the World community. World Health Organisation (WHO) Tedros Adhanom, Director-general is to be also held responsible as to me, it was in his knowledge, but he did not inform the World. It may be due to the reason that he was made Director General of WHO, with the support and mercy of China.
  2.  After the spread of Covid-19, at Wuhan, China could contain its effect within Wuhan, and it did not spread to Beijing which is at a distance of 1153 KM and Shanghai at 840 KM. 
  3.  After the spread of Covid Virus during Nov 19, why China operated its commercial flights  from Wuhan to different part of World, like, USA, UK, Italy and other EU countries  with the intention to spread the killer Covid virus Worldwide. More than 25 commercial flights daily to different part of the World, which was deliberately oprtared to spread killer virus. Another reason in a panic, many countries operated flights to Wuhan, to rescue their own citizen.

Having got many reasons to belief that this was the deliberate act of China to weaken the rising economy in the World, China should be held responsible for mass scale genocide. The World affected Community has following options to take

  1.   Strip of all Trade relations with China, come what may. If it is not possible at present then make a strategy to taper off to zero within  two to three years, to weaken the economy of China
  2. Countries having their manufacturing facility at main land China should develop plan to shift the same to any part of Globe within a span of two years maximum.
  3. Seize all Chinese Cargo at the sea port Worldwide, if possible. We should not forget when Philippines filed a court case at the International Court of Justice against making of a Chinese Military base, by reclaiming land  at South China Sea by China, the Court verdict was against China, and the full bench passed an order to vacate the South China Sea, then the China Government  replied that they do not care for the ICJ verdict. 
  4.  All super powers should get unite and ask for the compensation otherwise face the retaliatory action for the same. The purpose is to weaken the economy of China, which may lead to hunger and civil war at China

If the World Community fails to take any action, this time then we should all be ready to face another similar threat from China 

The task ahead 

Presently the World community should pay attention towards the mitigations of their people sufferings at present, by strengthening / augmenting the all types’ of medical care and save the lives of its people. At the same time accelerate in immunisation programme.

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Today we are happy to learn that US has covered 80 % of its citizen in giving vaccine. Other Countries are also trying but the biggest constraint is the availability of Vaccine. Presently there are 13 Vaccine manufacturers Worldwide, including China, which is not able to supply enough vaccine to cover the entire populations of World.

The present World Population is 750 millions and the present rate of production of Vaccine will not be able to cover even in 3-4 Years. In the case of India where there only two Vaccine producing plants, one at Pune, The Serum Institute of India, having tie up with AstraZeneca a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company with its headquarters at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus produces COVISHIELD and another is

COVAXIN , India’s first indigenous COVID vaccine is developed by the corona vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech based at Hyderabad. The production capacity of both the plants are 8 Crore doses   per month. The Govt of India now has taken a decision to allow taking Vaccine from the age of 18 plus years onward. Under this situation even if we have a target to cover 80% of 135 Crore people, that comes out to be 106 Cr, out of which so far we have covered only 20 Cr people ( 04 Cr both the doses covered)  then we need 86 Crore people to be covered for that as per the above  production capacity it will take more than a year to cover first dose to 80% of population. By the time Corona Virus will create havoc. 

To augment the production there is a constrain of Intellectual Property Right (IPR)  as agreed in World Trade Organisation(WTO) during 1994.To  find a solution for speedy supply,  Government of India, has already raised the issue of temporary suspension of IPR clause, to give other companies to produce the vaccine and fulfil our requirement. 

Mr Joe Biden President of USA and Australia has agreed with the proposal given by Mr Narendra Modi, PM, India, but Germany has expressed its own reservation. However India will take up the matter next week with the European Counterpart. If this succeeds then supply of Vaccine may be accelerated by giving permissions to produce to other Pharma companies. India has got more than 3000 Pharma company and even if 10 %  Pharma Company agrees to produce then the Vaccine shortages could be augmented.

After all in the case of IPR we are paying approximately $2.3 per dose which comes out to be Rs 170 per dose to the original company. So temporary suspension of IPR clause may provide relief at the time of present crisis. In fact   we have to increase our expenditure of GDP in Health Care Sector from 1.2% to 5 %.

By Dr.R.D.Mishra Director, Greater Noida Productivity Council, Frm Director & Head, National Productivity Council, GOI Email :

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